Advanced computational design for nanophotonics
A software suite, which is organized around different components for geometrical modeling, high-fidelity simulations, reduced-order models and inverse design, for academic research and industrial applications

Welcome to DIOGENeS, an innovative software suite for the numerical modeling of complex problems in nanophotonics
- DIOGENeS empowers researchers and engineers with a comprehensive suite of numerical tools for studying and shaping nanoscsle light-matter interactions
- For simulating, and optimizing next-generation photonic devices, with numerical tools all accessible through an intuitive software architecture
- Currently used in several projects dealing with optical metasurfaces and metalenses, ultra-thin solar cells, nanostructured optical fibers and plasmonic sensors
A comprehensive software suite for nanophotonics

Optimized for HPC
Whether you are running simulations on workstations, multicore CPU systems or GPU accelerators, our numerical algorithms are developed to deliver state-of-the-art performance when dealing with large-scale problems

From geometric modeling to design optimization
We provide complete workflows that can be adapted to specific research contexts of academic groups or industrial R&D departments

Optimization and uncertainty quantification
We rely on global optimization algorithms to fine-tune photonic designs, possibly taking into account fabrication variability for ensuring that the resulkting devices perform as expected in practical manufacturing